Taking it from five to over 130 Canadian hotels
in just 26 years — and still growing.

Super8 Logo

Made famous in 1974 for its $8.88 room rate, Super 8® redefined the economy lodging market in the U.S. and continues to be the preferred economy hotel chain to this day with over 2,400 hotels in North America.

Recognizing the opportunity to introduce the Super 8® concept to the Canadian marketplace, in 1992 Superior Lodging Corp. acquired the master territorial development rights in Canada from Hospitality Franchise Systems, Inc. Through the entrepreneurial vision and relentless dedication of Superior Lodging’s founder and CEO, Marc Staniloff, Superior Lodging transformed the fledgeling brand in Canada from a modest five hotels to one of the largest and most recognizable hotel chains in the country — with over 125 locations operating as of 2020.


Today, the Super 8® brand is under the stewardship of Wyndham Hotel Group — the largest and most diverse hotel company in the world, with over 9,000+ hotels in its worldwide system. This well-known brand continues to retain and entice travellers with its free WiFi, free breakfast, elevated guest rooms featuring local photography, Wyndham Rewards points, great rates and its thrill for the open road.

Superior Lodging has been at the forefront of Super 8®’s brand transformation, working closely with the Wyndham Hotel Group and franchisees to develop new modern Super8® hotels throughout Canada that provide exceptional returns.

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